Giving Aix-en-Provence a Big Hug

simply put, my adventures: good, bad, new, french, exciting, terrifying, enlightening... whatever they may be
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New York, and currently France
I'm a junior and a music major at Barnard College spending the Spring 2010 semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence at the AUCP (American University Center of Provence). I can't wait to share everything that I experience! However, regular updating is contingent on my internet availability...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tablette du Chocolat

So I've essentially given up on this 21 days things. Our transition from french to franglais to anglais to english has been incredibly fun! Firstly, "tablette du chocolat" means "tablet of chocolate" which is the idiomatic french expression for "having a 6 pack." Now why do we know this? Our Oral and Written Expression Professor, Jean-Michel, taught us that! These are things I'm learning here and so much more. The context was an explanation by Sam of "The Situation" or "Le Situation" on the Jersey Shore. The more I've been here, I am starting to concoct a list of UNIVERSAL languages: food, love, and the Jersey Shore.

EVERYTHING else is wonderful as well. Certain content has recently been deleted as a result of new facebook friends.

Other things: We are going to Spain in a week!! Next Saturday, we are leaving for Barcelona and Madrid, or a week of Spain life and the much looked forward to nap in the middle of the day. On Friday night, we were thinking of going to a techno festival in Marseille called the Nuit Rouge... but after last night I'm not sure...

We went to techno club in the middle of the nowhere in the South of France called "Spartacus," in which there was apparently "a really good dj" according to the partenaire de langue de Caroline. The place was really really fun, and the dj, with a lot of personality and no hair, essentially played one long techno song for three hours. Don't get me wrong, the place was awesome and I had never been to something like that before, but when it's 3:30 and you're the only 15 people there (that was the size of our group french and english alike) not on e, it's time to hit the trail.

But our entire saturday was a dream. We woke up at 9 to go into the countryside of Provence with our Painting Professor. Yes, I take Painting and Drawing here and it's great. We saw 5 different areas over a course 7-8 hours and it was the most beautiful "paysage" I had ever seen. I'll post pictures later because everyone took 5604564 plus. About 6 of us were lost from the group the entire day, but we weren't REALLY lost, we just didn't stay with the group, but we felt like we were in a scene from Beauty and the Beast (you were right, Nina). Since we didn't know any of the words to the songs except the one that starts "Bonjour bonjour bonjour," we decided to live out this dream by eating more baguettes and drinking wine at lunch time.

After a petite ballade around le centre ville when we returned, we went to Susanna's host family for FONDUE. Susanna lives in the paysage of Aix, and her house is a dream, as well; her host parents are also lovely, and they have entertaning friends. In the middle of dinner I actually thought to myself: "I am actually studying abroad, having the time of my life, and really happy." After champagne and fondue and talking with Susanna's host dad about Dexter and how the characters who play Deb and Dexter are married in real life, we were off to Spartacus.

And now I'm afraid to get out of bed because Genevieve woke up when I got home last night... in her silk pajama set I was welcomed with a "Jeeel? C'est toi???" C'est moi, Genevieve. C'est moi.

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