Giving Aix-en-Provence a Big Hug

simply put, my adventures: good, bad, new, french, exciting, terrifying, enlightening... whatever they may be
My photo
New York, and currently France
I'm a junior and a music major at Barnard College spending the Spring 2010 semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence at the AUCP (American University Center of Provence). I can't wait to share everything that I experience! However, regular updating is contingent on my internet availability...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting to Know You

Today was the second day of meeting people/orientation!

The people in my program seem lovely and I can't get wait to know everyone better. Especially because I can already tell that relationships speed up like college... times two. Also there is a Barnard girl! She's so sweet, and I don't know how I don't know her because Barnard is the size of a raisin.


  1. Oo la la! Comparing Barnard to a raisin? That literally made me laugh out loud and it's totally an analogy only you would think up (and I mean that in a good way). <3 u. P.S. Hi Morgan!
