Giving Aix-en-Provence a Big Hug

simply put, my adventures: good, bad, new, french, exciting, terrifying, enlightening... whatever they may be
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New York, and currently France
I'm a junior and a music major at Barnard College spending the Spring 2010 semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence at the AUCP (American University Center of Provence). I can't wait to share everything that I experience! However, regular updating is contingent on my internet availability...

Monday, March 22, 2010


... WAS AMAZING. Not only was it great to see Allie, Copenhagen is absolutely beautiful and I could totally see how it is the happiest place in the world. The culture is fascinating, and I wish I could live there to experience what Allie's experiencing. We did so much in such a short period of time! My first night I arrived late, but we walked around the center of Copenhagen which is lovely at night. The city is so full of life, and hearing everyone speak Danish is like hearing a bunch of people with marbles in their mouth. Nonetheless, the language is incredibly cool.

The next day, Allie took me to one of her favorite Danish bakeries. If I studied abroad in Denmark, I would eat way too many pastries than a person should have. If I studied abroad in France, I would eat way too many pastries than a... wait... yeah...

Then, we went to the castle where the Royal Family lives. After asking three separate sets of tourists to take a successful picture of us, we moved on to a town called Christiania. Marijuana is legally sold there (and I believe I saw heroin, but I am not really sure what it looks like), so the atmosphere was quite... quaint? You're not allowed to take pictures in the town because naturally, the drug is not legal everywhere else. Allie also mentioned that the no pictures thing also has to do with something about the Denmark modesty, but I don't get it/probably heard incorrectly. We then made our way over to the Carlsberg's Brewery, which was particularly exciting for me! That wednesday, for Saint Patrick's Day (Happy Birthday Mom!!), I had my first Carlsberg beer! My friends suggested it, and who would have thought that my new experience with a new beer would follow me all the way to Scandinavia?

That night we went to ICE BAR which is incredibly COOL (no pun intended). Right before Ice Bar, Allie introduced me to a Denmark-ian drink called "Fisk," which is essentially cough medicine with a twist of mint and European culture. The best part was, we drank it in a random South African influenced bar. Ice Bar is a bar made of ice. They give you these large coats and you galavant around a below freezing Ice Box.

Hold on a second, I can't resist: "There's an Ice Box where [Denmark] used to be."

Anyway, you then drink a drink in an ice up. Each song that was playing had the word ice in it, I guess to go along with the theme. The thing was, it wasn't that cold. Yes, it was below freezing, but incredibly bearable. Allie's friends and I concluded that the idea of the Ice Bar is actually one big placebo affect, and there is a man with a camera making fun of all of this. These guys must of really made fun of us when we all proceeded to try to eat the ice cups. If anyone goes to an Ice Bar and finds these cameras, then I'm not going to say I told you so. After Ice Bar, we went to another bar and drank like the Danish.

The next morning, after another delicious pastry my stomach mocked me for, we took a canal ride around Copenhagen! We saw the Little Mermaid, the Black Diamond, A Famous Church, and I even listened to some French people speak French. This made me very happy. Allie and I did other wonderful things, but I can't remember at the present. Although this morning, I navigated myself around the Danish metro system all by myself.

Other things I noticed about Denmark: everyone is beau-ti-ful. And when I say beautiful, for those of you who understand this, picture Allison saying "beaauuuuuuuuutiful!!!" Also they are tall. I felt very short. The kroner is also confusing. Why do the numbers have to be so big?!? I actually missed the Euro. And no, I didn't see that one coming. Nonetheless, it was an incredible weekend. If you have the chance, go to Denmark. And Provence. Come here, too.

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