Giving Aix-en-Provence a Big Hug

simply put, my adventures: good, bad, new, french, exciting, terrifying, enlightening... whatever they may be
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New York, and currently France
I'm a junior and a music major at Barnard College spending the Spring 2010 semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence at the AUCP (American University Center of Provence). I can't wait to share everything that I experience! However, regular updating is contingent on my internet availability...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Snowing?!

So it's snowing. Provence has taken a turn for the worst. As I walked to my Rock Dance class tonight anticipating the good times about to be had, I couldn't believe my eyes. Last week was "Fake World" weather, and today was "Real World" weather. I blame you, New York. New York had snow going bananas, and now the snow has crossed the ocean into our lovely little world that is Aix-en-Provence.

Nonetheless, our spring break is officially booked!!! Brussels, Prague, and Amsterdam. Yes, Yes, and YES. I also believe we are going to try to make our way over to Paris before we start our spring break, since we have found free options for housing around the world. This option is called couch surfing, and Caroline and Lisa and I created a profile on a couch surfing website to meet friends from millions of different places. Don't worry Mom, this is safe.

ALSO Copenhagen in a week! ALSO the great BALL at Arts-et-Metiers is on Saturday!

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