Giving Aix-en-Provence a Big Hug

simply put, my adventures: good, bad, new, french, exciting, terrifying, enlightening... whatever they may be
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New York, and currently France
I'm a junior and a music major at Barnard College spending the Spring 2010 semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence at the AUCP (American University Center of Provence). I can't wait to share everything that I experience! However, regular updating is contingent on my internet availability...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring is alive and well

Saturday our fantastic art teacher, Pamela, took us on a sortie to Arles and Saint Remy. The architecture and ruins were fascinating. There were all of these graves that Pammy want us to take a picture in... classic Pammy. We also saw a theatre that I really want Jean-Claude, our theatre prof, to take us to. And then we went to this fantastic marché!! We got a box of pears (or bears) for only 1 euro, and 10 chocolate croissants pour 2 euros, and then we all got adorable espadrilles (Sp?) to kick off the season. After lounging in the most adorable park, we went to the playground and had more fun than you could imagine.

We then got to see the mental institution Van Gogh stayed in! It really was quite beautiful. It is still a mental institution today, but only for women. It was great to be back at Barnard for a little bit.

In three days, I leave for Spring Break: Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Prague. 15 days of glory. It's weird because we keep saying how much we need a vacation. Yes, the AUCP is a bit of a fake school, but still tiring. As hard as it may be to believe, I actually do a decent amount of homework. I cannot wait for the adventures that Lisa and Caroline and I go on, because we're so good at stumbling upon hilarious and wonderful people and places.

I've also been going running regularly (clears my mind, keeps me in shape) and tomorrow I am hosting a passover seder. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY EMILY WALLEN!!!

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